Nowohucianka plays with Polyvore and at on-line stores. The same dress, two different sets. The first one: Corto Moltedo Saint Tropez bag, Bo'em Jeweled Sandals, Biba Sunglasses, Wet Seal Etched Wide Bangle. The second one: Jimmy Choo Carissa satin clutch, Giuseppe Zanotti Taz Swarovski ebbellished sandals, Pulsar ladies watch. This pretty orange sleeveless dress is made by Acne, you can get it at Browns.
Acne dress
Nowohucianka plays with Polyvore and at on-line stores. The same dress, two different sets. The first one: Corto Moltedo Saint Tropez bag, Bo'em Jeweled Sandals, Biba Sunglasses, Wet Seal Etched Wide Bangle. The second one: Jimmy Choo Carissa satin clutch, Giuseppe Zanotti Taz Swarovski ebbellished sandals, Pulsar ladies watch. This pretty orange sleeveless dress is made by Acne, you can get it at Browns.
News of the week 30.03.08.
Marc Jacobs behaving badly. I have no words for that.
Karl Lagarfeld has been spotted around NY shooting both Claudia Schiffer for Chanel's fall campaign (in Central Park) and Raquel Zimmerman for Fendi's fall campaign (in Madison Square Park). You can find a short movie from the second shooting here.
Revlon have signed Elle Macpherson as their new spokesperson. The supermodel will be featuring in global advertising campaigns as well as participating in various company sponsored philanthropic activities.
Agyness Deyn has been chosen the new face of Reebok, promoting a limited collection Freestyle Cities inspired by London, Paris, Tokyo, New York, New Delhi and Madrid.
Marchesa is branching out from evening and cocktail gowns into wedding dresses. The Marchesa bridal collection is set to be launched next month, probably at Bridal Fashion Week in New York.
Plus Prada Trembled Blossoms animated movie shoot - a musical by James Lima. Love it.
Vintage Harper's Bazaar
Some covers and editorials from vintage issues (40's-50's) of Harper's Bazaar posted by Ana_Lee. Enjoy.

Polska edycja "InStyle"! (Polish only)
Jestem bardzo mile zaskoczona. Nie kupuję żadnych polskich magazynów, więc nie mam porównania, ale subiektywnie nasza edycja "InStyle" jest naprawdę na poziomie. Mniej więcej podobna ilość polskich i zagranicznych celebrytek, ciuchy ze zróżnicowanych półek cenowych, ładna oprawa graficzna, przystępna cena (nie wiem, czy przypadkiem 3,90 zł to nie jakaś promocja na pierwszy numer) i brak przeładowania reklamami. Jedyny magazyn w naszym kraju, który mam zamiar regularnie kupować. Dużym minusem jest brak strony internetowej, a trzeba zaznaczyć, że Burda wydała 3 mln zł na kampanię.
I nie, nie zapłacili mi, żeby to napisać. Takie małe publicity:)
edit: Cofam to o braku strony internetowej. Jest, ale źle wypozycjonowana.
Clothes look better when they're moving
Jessica Stam teaches how to walk like a model. Video by The Wall Street Journal.
Favorite spring trends 2008 (6)
Although I don't know nearly as much about make-up as I know about fashion, I decided to do some research on it. And there you go - my results on make-up trends for spring/summer 2008.

Nude make-up, pale colors. Definitely trend number one this season. It's just everywhere - on runways, in eds, on our streets. No make-up is the best make-up. The top four: Fendi, Calvin Klein, Burberry, Balenciaga; the bottom four: Proenza Schouler, Thakoon, Stella McCartney, Vera Wang.

Golden lady. Gold accents on one's face remind me more of a carnival then of summer, but make-up artists don't think so. Shiny and glamorous, perfect for an evening. Michael Kors, Oscar de la Renta, Versace and Zac Posen.

Look at my lips! I wish I had enough courage to wear red on my lips! But actually the color is not that important, it's the effect that counts. So you can choose between pink, red, crimson, orange and many others. The top four: Victor&Rolf, Valentino, Yves Saint Laurent, Bottega Veneta; the bottom four: Carolina Herrera, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Lanvin.

Blue. Not only fashionable as color of clothing, but also as mascara, eyeliner or eyeshadow. Depending on a shade works as good with blond hair as with dark. Karl Lagarfeld, Marni, Alberta Ferretti and Proenza Schouler (this one from fall/winter show).

Black eyeliner. Totally sexy! I love this Cleopatra look - the more eyeliner, the better. Works the best with nude lips. Chado Ralph Rucci, DSquared2, Rodarte and Hermes.

Look at me, I'm on the runway. Only for the brave. Yohji Yamamoto, Dior, Prada, Comme des Garcons.
Favorite spring trends 2008 (5)
News of the week 23.03.08
Katie Holmes to launch a clothing line for Armani. Holmes will design four collections: for little children (with Suri as her muse), older children (for spring 2009), handbags and finally women's line (for fall 2010).
Evangeline Lily about to become a new face of Coty's Davidoff Cool Water women. The ads will be released in July worldwide, but not in the US. The actress will join co-star Josh Halloway who's already the face of Cool Water men.
Coco, Sting's 17-year-old daughter to appear in Burberry ad campaign alongside with Agyness and Donaldson.
Natalia Vodianova and Isabeli Fontana to replace Gisele for Versace. They were chosen for the campaign and photographed by Mario Testino, styled by Brana Wolf. The shots took place this week in Manhattan.
Eva Mendes will appear not only in Calvin Klein fragrance commercials, but also will be the face of Klein's underwear, replacing Vodianova.
Anna Jantar
One of the very best Polish singers ever. She was born in 1950, her career lasted throughout '70. She won many music competitions, also international ones. Wife of Jarosław Kukulski, who composed most of her songs, mother of Natalia Kukulska, also a singer. After releasing her last hit "Nic nie może wiecznie trwać" ("Nothing can last forever") Anna went on a tour to the United States. She died in a crush of the airplane near Warsaw. At the top - a fragment of her last clip and underneath some pictures of her style taken from this and that site.

pif-paf (Polish only)
Dziewczyny, aleście się zawzięły. Już się kurowałam po pierwszej ranie zadanej mi przez Ogię, a tutaj - proszę - kolejne dwie od Kajakowo i Poshash. Szalejecie, szalejecie! Ponieważ nie mam zamiaru podawać dalej (modowe koleżanki już chyba wszystkie ustrzelone:P), nie zamieszczę także zasad, a jedynie te 6 niepotrzebnych nikomu faktów o mnie;):
- Mam młodszego brata. Zauważyłam, że jest moim bratem dopiero wtedy, kiedy skończył 12 lat. To było jedno z większych odkryć mojego życia.
- Mam alergię na koty (potworną!), a na psy już nie:)
- Płaczę na każdym filmie, a już szczególnie na kreskówkach oglądanych po raz n-ty. W to także wchodzą takie animacje jak Shrek, Toy Story czy Sen no Chihiro no Kamikakushi. Doszło do tego, że płakałam na filmie dokumentalnym o pingwinach.
- Nie wiem, co ze sobą zrobić. Szukam dla siebie drugiego kierunku i co tydzień zmieniam zdanie. Były już na mojej liście wszystkie możliwe filologie (od czeskiej po arabską), kulturoznawstwa, psychologie i im podobne.
- Posiadam dwie pidżamy - jedna z Hello Kitty, druga ze Zwierzakiem z Ulicy Sezamkowej.
- Jeśli mam do wyboru gorącą czekoladę i zimne kakao - wybiorę to drugie.
Best April covers 2008
- Vogue China, Zhang Ziyi by Mario Sorrenti (finally not Du Juan!)
- Amica Italy, Iris Strubegger by Stefano Moro
- British Harper's Bazaar, Miranda Kerr by Michelangelo di Battista (I like Miranda, but I was pretty surprised to see her on this cover)
- W, Kate Moss (wearing Lanvin)
- Numero Tokyo, Natalia Vodianova, more here
- Vanity Fair, Sarah Silverman, Tina Fey & Amy Poehler by Annie Leibovitz
LeBron to appear on the April cover of 'Vogue'
James LeBron, an American basketball star from Cleveland Cavaliers team becomes the third man ever to grace a cover of this magazine, following Richard Gere (November 1992, with his then-girlfriend, Cindy Crawford) and George Clooney (June 2000, shown below). LeBron will appear with Gisele, as the issue features athletes and models - the best bodies Michael Phelps with Caroline Trentini, Shaun White with Daria Werbowy, Anton Ohno with Doutzen Kroes and Jared Rome with Raquel Zimmermann. The picture from the cover taken by Annie Leibovitz.
So OK, here's the thing: 1) Looks to me more like "Vanity Fair" cover rather than "Vogue's". 2) Gisele is so... 90's. There are many models out there, Anna, why Gisele? 3) Trentini and Zimmermann inside - what a surprise... -.-' 4) Fashion Spot already doesn't like it;) 5) I don't like the dress. 6) The only thing that I'm excited about is Doutzen's editorial.
Anna, why?

So OK, here's the thing: 1) Looks to me more like "Vanity Fair" cover rather than "Vogue's". 2) Gisele is so... 90's. There are many models out there, Anna, why Gisele? 3) Trentini and Zimmermann inside - what a surprise... -.-' 4) Fashion Spot already doesn't like it;) 5) I don't like the dress. 6) The only thing that I'm excited about is Doutzen's editorial.
Anna, why?
James LeBron, amerykańska gwiazda koszykówi z drużyny Cleveland Cavaliers zagości jako trzeci mężczyzna w historii na okładce tego magazynu obok Richarda Gere'a (listopad 1992, ze swoją ówczesną dziewczyną, Cindy Crawford) oraz Georga Clooney'a (czerwiec 2000, pokazana powyżej). LeBron pojawi się z Gisele, ponieważ numer poświęcony jest sportowcom i modelkom jako ludziom z najlepszymi ciałami świata. A w środku - kilka interesujących edytoriali: oczywiście, Gisele z LeBronem, Michael Phelps z Caroline Trentini, Shaun White z Darią Werbowy, Anton Ohno z Doutzen Kroes i Jared Rome z Raquel Zimmermann. Zdjęcie na okładce zrobione zostało przez Annie Leibovitz.
Więc OK, oto moje spostrzeżenia: 1) Wygląda to bardziej jak okładka "Vanity Fair" niż "Vogue'a". 2) Gisele jest symbolem lat '90. Istnieje przecież tyle modelek, Anna, dlaczego Gisele? 3) Trentini i Zimmermann w środku - ależ niespodzianka... -.-' 4) Fashion Spot już go nie lubi;) 5) Nie podoba mi się sukienka. 6) Jedyną rzeczą, którą naprawdę chciałabym tam zobaczyć, to edytorial Doutzen.
Dlaczego, Anna?
Więc OK, oto moje spostrzeżenia: 1) Wygląda to bardziej jak okładka "Vanity Fair" niż "Vogue'a". 2) Gisele jest symbolem lat '90. Istnieje przecież tyle modelek, Anna, dlaczego Gisele? 3) Trentini i Zimmermann w środku - ależ niespodzianka... -.-' 4) Fashion Spot już go nie lubi;) 5) Nie podoba mi się sukienka. 6) Jedyną rzeczą, którą naprawdę chciałabym tam zobaczyć, to edytorial Doutzen.
Dlaczego, Anna?
Favorite spring trends 2008 (4)
Blue disappeared from runways a few years ago and now it came back as the most chic color of the season. We should not look for neither dark or light shades of it - it's turquoise and deep blue that we can find in the best collections. But to my mind, blue just looks better with light hair. There you've got some inspirations, from the left: Elie Saab, Vivienne Westwood, Oscar de la Renta, Helmut Lang, Burberry. At the bottom - my set, enjoy:)

Source:,, on-line fashion stores
fresh faces
This week appeared a new list of the best newcomers at I'm so excited about the fresh faces - they look so much more interesting than the ones last season. And finally - a black model on the list and even the white girls are not all blond.

Iris Strubegger - 24-year-old German Austrian, who took a break from modeling in 2003. Now she changed her mind and opened pre-fall Valentino. Nice cheekbones, don't you think?

Kamila Filipcikova - 17-year-old Slovakian. She debuted at the fall Chanel couture, walked for Prada and Marni, opened Miu Miu and Louis Vuitton. Photographed by Steven Meisel for "Vogue Italia" cover. The face of Alberta Ferretti. Reminds me of Avril Lavigne.

Malin Ones - 23-year-old Norwegian. Debuted during Vivienne Westwood spring show. Walked for Calvin Klein, Carolina Herrera, Proenza Schouler and Narciso Rodriguez, she opened Just Cavalli. You can't tell from this picture, but she's got some nice freckles.

Georgina Stojiljkovic - 20-year-old Serbian (not sure about the age), who started modeling long time ago, but decided, that the education is more important and quit. Now that she's back, she walked Prada and Dior. I'm in love with her lips!

Jourdan Dunn - 18-year-old British. She debuted a year ago, but her big moment came this season. Jourdan is the first black model in 15 years that walked Prada. She featured in an article at "A new star from storm". Keeping my fingers crossed.

Karmen Pedaru - 17-year-old Estonian. Karmen started modeling two years ago and debuted at Christopher Kane. She also took a few months of break. This season she walked Marc Jacobs and Donna Karan, opened Dries Van Noten and Yves Saint Laurent. Don't like her that much.

Anna Gushina - 19-year-old Russian, who's real name is Luxe. She started modeling last year, but Miuccia is already in love with her - she walked both Miu Miu and Prada as an exclusive. Anna also opened Proenza Schouler and Carlos Miele. She even featured at

Amanda Laine - 16-year-old Canadian. She won V magazine and Supreme Model Management model search and signed a 3-year contract with the agency. She opened Alexander McQueen and Miu Miu, closed Louis Vuitton. Such and interesting face. And she's so young! Good luck for her.

Aline Weber - 19-year-old Brazilian. Debuted two years ago, but appeared mostly in editorials, not on runways. This season she walked Calvin Klein, Marc Jacobs, Narciso Rodriguez and Proenza Schouler, opened Balenciaga. Pretty!

Abbey Lee - 20-year-old Australian. That's my girl! She's so cute and I love her Australian accent. She won a local model search in 2004. In 2006 Abbey appeared in European ads for H&M and Levi’s. This year Mario Testino photographed her for D&G spring ad campaign. She opened Givenchy and closed Rodarte. This month she's got editorials for "V" and "Numéro".
pronouncing fashion names
I always laughed at the way American people pronounce foreign words (like cars, for example BMW, Hyundai, Mercedes or Renault), but I must admit, that I always had some problems with foreign fashion names. Although I speak French (well, a little bit, but still) and I knew how to say Jean Paul Gaultier or Givenchy, it was always hard for me to pronounce correctly such words as Loewe or Ralph Lauren. And there we've got a solution - Teri Agins' article for "The Wall Street Journal". From now on you will never make mistakes in saying Nicolas Ghesquière or Lanvin!
But I wish, there were more fashion names explained.
But I wish, there were more fashion names explained.
Favorite spring trends 2008 (3)
This time - dots. If well used, they can be original and stylish, but I get sick when I see hundreds of teenage girls walking on the streets with either red or black ballerinas with white dots. I wouldn't wear dots as a main part of clothing, just on accessories. Some ideas: Dior tie, Marc by Marc Jacobs clutch, Wet Seal bracelet, Paul Smith rings (OK, I know, they are not exactly dots;)), Chooka Signature rain boots, Aeropostale bag, Betsey Johnson sandals.
Don't they remind you of summer? Here are some more inspirations. From the left: Betsey Johnson, Marni, Blumarine, Valentino, Givenchy. All of them, of course, from SS08. I love especially the last set - girlish dots with powerful Givenchy look.
Favorite spring trends 2008 (2)
Boho is "it" thing again! And I love especially long, colorful dresses. They are so comfy and easy to wear - you don't need to thing what you should wear it with, the dress by itself will do it perfectly. Some inspiration from the runway: D&G, Diane von Furstengerg and Etro, and how does that work in reality: Zara (at the top), H&M, Mary L. Couture. Can't wait for the summer:)

Favorite spring trends 2008 (1)
Although I don't have anything in white (except a shirt), I miss having a dress in this color. I love the thing, that there are so many versions of one-shoulder ones this season. From the left: Iceberg, Jill Stuart, Lanvin, Diane Von Furstenberg.

bunch of information
Marc Jacobs and Jason Preston are rumored to be engaged. Gossips spread after changing Preston's status at Facebook to "engaged".
Tom Brady, NFL player is reported to talk with Calvin Klein Inc. to be the next star to model Klein's underwear.
Balenciaga denied Kanye West a seat at their show in Paris. According to NYT it's not the first time that the rapper couldn't get into their show.
Charlize Theron said this week: "I had the capability to be a bigger model than I was. They were always telling me, 'Lose five pounds and you'll be a supermodel'. But I saw modeling like waitressing - it was a way to pay for another career, and that career was dance."
Tatler Magazine has named Agyness Deyn Best Dressed. The model beat Kate Moss, who was the first place last two years. Vodianova, my very first one, comes third.
Source: NYT, NYPost, Frillr
vogue au got it right!
It's the first Australian "Vogue" cover in a long time, that I really like. Although Catherine is not one of my favorite models, I love the way she looks here (honestly, can you go wrong with her? seems impossible! I don't like her that much, but I can't argue with the fact, that she's simply beautiful.). The location is gorgeous, her make-up the same, overall it reminds me a lot of 90's. OK, pics maybe a little bit too dark. They are taken by Richard Bailey, model: Catherine McNeil, magazine: Australian "Vogue" April 2008. More here.
Pierwszy raz od dłuższego czasu naprawdę podoba mi się okładka australijskiego "Vogue". Niby Catherine nie jest jedną z moich ulubionych modelek, ale uwielbiam ją w tej sesji (szczerze, jak można byłoby zepsuć sesję z jej udziałem? wydaje się niemożliwe! nie lubię jej aż tak, ale nie mogę zaprzeczyć faktowi, że jest po prostu piękna). Otoczenie jest prześliczne, jej makijaż podobnie, całość przypomina mi stylizację z lat '90. No dobrze, zdjęcia trochę za ciemne. Sesja sfotografowana przez Richarda Bailey'a, modelka: Catherine McNeil, magazyn: australijski "Vogue" kwiecień 2008. Więcej tutaj.
Source: bianca from FashionSpot
Celebrities in Oscar Awards with their Fashion Accessories
The Academy Awards, popularly known as the Oscars, is considered as the most prominent film awards because it's the special gathering of the most well-known and hottest celebrities in Hollywood. It's also the most awaited awards night because people can't wait to see their favorite actors and actresses walking on the red carpet with their elegant suits and evening gowns. People are also excited to see their fashion accessories they will use to make them more stylish and classy.
Here are some of the hottest celebrities in Oscar Awards with their Stunning Fashion Accessories:

Nicole Kidman with her 1400 Carat Rough and Polished Diamond
Sautoir Necklace by L'Wren Scott

Source for Accessories: Newswire Press Release
women fashion accessories
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