One may like Sacha Baron Cohen or not, but you have to admit it - he's got a pretty nice body! And regarding humor - well, depends on what you like. Myself, personally, I still quote Borat from time to time with my former flatmate.
Times are hard, but if you shop around und are prepared to vear some things twice before throwing zem avay, it is still possible to look good on a clothing budget of about $20,000 a veek. Ich mean, obwiously you vill need a bit more zan zat if you are planning on leaving ze house.(...)
Dear Brüno, where should I be putting my iPhone? The wife says the belt clip is totally out, But it looks like a tuna sandwich in my pocket. Anyplace else?
Vhat ein stupid question. Keep it in your assistant’s pocket, obwiously."
More lovely pictures and the rest of the article here.