Handbags and shoes pay a major role in women fashion, carrying suitable handbag for the dress worn is also so important, here are some nottings on hand bags and shoes for women, hand bags come in different variety say, leather, resin, cloths, jute, plastic, fiber etc in different shades ans styles.
And last but not least, many thanks to all for your comments about my hair disaster ... I see that we are not alone in this, that the post-halls deppresión national pandemic and the authorities do nothing about it. For my descojonéis you a little more, I will say that I returned to the same hairdresser, but this time to get him to fix the head, and as I'm always thinking that things happen for a reason, then I go and do a smoothing Japanese from week to week, with two ovaries. Why lie, it is a beating long, expensive and that scares you a little, but if care accounts pelu visits, serums and hours of iron is well worth divest some of the "orange account. The result is a third of the volume (not for little hair, because the first three days is so close you'd better not look in the mirror), but a 150% brighter and-to my taste of glamor.

In my case it is a crisis of short-haul, as they hardly use jewelry - ajem-jewelry, who I will cheat, and it's hot even for scarves. Given that the theme I have practically covered sandals from last year, which threw me possessed by eBay to handbags spring. And since I'm not colorito girl fixations but very brutal, I go and look-at-fringed leather-studded-chains, and hopefully get everything at once. The result was two bags with fringes, one vintage in perfect condition (has no pocket for mobile phone, whether it will fix old) in candy before long fringes trillion and a Portuguese craftsman backpack with more tuning a car route cod. The umpire, a version of 2.55 and more than decent cuca me a little more about the universe Voguettes if possible. And that I bought it at a store.