breathe in guileless oxygen,
breathe out giddy, unshackled glee
to see a sunrise of pink-spun sugar,
silken sunsets the color of cantaloupes,
to mouth a mango’s flesh,
taste a plum’s orgasmic juice,
to bask in an approving smile,
but mostly, my dear,my ingénue,
to suck in sharp, quick spikes of choice,
ether’s own freedom.
~ Carolyn Howard Johnson
Hi friends, wish you a very Happy Women's Day! - A global day that rightfully celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. Though, it is a bit strange to fix one particular day of the year as Women's Day, as every day, women all over the world win battles in their daily lives without bothering to stop and celebrate, but a day of celebration is always welcome. It evokes a sense of confidence, power and knowledge in all those who are yet to know their true self and discover the diamond in them.