Lets have a look at the celebrities party outfits.
If you do what you do, you're the sexiest, even unintentionally. If you do some old jeans that seem worthy of a queen. If you take a garment "kinky" and transforms it into something chic and sophisticated. Yes, to contradict Dresscode an evening, you make everyone look bad dressed and out of place. If you do not fear the total black and angularity of fashion ... You are mysterious and sexy, but attainable with the melting point to the audience. Look your best clothes and flees fru-frustrating and more sensual looking androgyny: a long jacket entalladísima type "tuxedo" with leggings and a leather bustier suggestive. Your eyes tell it all night, so I just picked up a modern bring them justice. Luce luxurious accessories such as earrings that fall to the shoulders and purses of exquisite satin and melts all the ice in the glasses.

If you care for your hair as if you life depended on it. If you love the bohemian chic, and comes of one street in Ibiza or a collection of Etro. If you look and dig for finding what no one has, hidden treasures in vintage shops. If you love show off fabrics vaporous and sinuous forms evoke the freedom of the seventies ... You're bohemian and dynamic, creative and engaging and not afraid to be the center of attention. Glow at night with dresses that evoke luxury and mystery, long and flowing or short and with movement. You worship you know the ins and coordinate and blend until the vertigo. You enjoy building a story with your style and the most special nights of the year will not be an exception: Choose the most beautiful dress from your closet and give it life with shawls, wraps very long, delicate necklaces and handbags endless. The face and hair, always bright and natural, but much studied.
If not conceive introduce you to a meeting or event without being beautiful. If you have so many handbags in your closet as handbags. If you enter a Zara and in less than a minute you've located the best dress. If the heels of nine inches (excluding platform) have no secrets for you ... You are classic and delicious, you know very well and adapt the latest trends to your timeless style. Your party style is clear: a dress of air "couture" in a single color that you feel great, a cape, bolero or stole to protect you from the cold, high heels and accessories contemporaries hair up is optional, but that yes, makeup is flawless and radiant.