Luxury Limit:
You still deserve a good watch (to the extent of your possibilities, of course), fantastic sunglasses or a small jewel on your birthday, but forget about those dancers a few hundred euros to know that they are the "magician" Marc Jacobs. It is important to give clues on how you value your status, particularly in certain occupational settings, but best not to waste (you never know). Invest in what you see and be seen, but with the head (and that does not include the latest tacky charm-keychain-Prada).
Online Discounts:
Learn all the catalogs that run online, factory outlets and private sales (provided they have good return policies), but limit yourself to cushy garments if needed. The "roll" of limited sales makes you buy more of what you want guiding the brand more than the object itself. Take advantage of discounts especially for clothing and more formal "office wear".

Neighbor frequent stores:
Not only will you do a favor for the economies of many families who depend on small businesses, but find little treasures, and different things will surprise you with unexpected discounts. Remember that a period of crisis is good time to reevaluate your style: If you depend too much of the latest trend Inditex, go bad. Original Reacquaint style with your clothes and buy more neutral, but flattering. I think you know what I'm talking.
Market costumes:
Not only are freely accessible (cheap entertainment), and were entretenidísimos beach and if you tan up and you can finish buying the best watermelon in your life. Joking aside, summer ins and require less quality label and what better place to find that basket of beach sandals wedge style hat and Paulina Rubio. Besides scraps, plants, stock hairdressing, jewelry very apparent.
Malls dress:
Even if they are fresh! It is a spiked trap. They are made so that piques. Flee as scabies of the big chains for a while (whether it's complicated) or at least limit your visits to the cuts and a couple of occasions. Enter for a ride like teaching a steak the lion, you will begin to salivate, and you fall, thanks to God "plastic money".