how to get most beutiful 6 pack body

Men love having six packs because it makes them

appear shapely, strong, sculpted, and sexy and women love having six packs for the same reasons. Each gender appreciates the look of a six pack on the opposite gender.

Six packs are thought to be one of the toughest fitness goals to achieve. However, getting a six pack doesn't have to be a long hard achievement. With the right knowledge and a solid plan, anyone can have a six pack including you!

Here are three of the top ways to get your six pack
1. Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym. Having a low body fat percentage is essential for creating great abs. A low fat diet with a low percentage of starchy, simple carbs is needed. There is a chemical in starchy carbs that causes your body to store abdominal fat. It's a myth that men who have "beer bellies" get them from beer. It's the carbs in beer that cause beer bellies.

For your six pack diet, you need to eat six small meals a day. Proper nutrition is of the utmost importance. Breakfast is a must. Skipping breakfast can cause you to eat too much at lunch which will harm your six pack efforts. Your meals should include vegetables and fruits, and low fat sources of protein such as tofu and beans. Diet is the most important component of any fitness plan.

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    2. The next most important component of your fitness plan is cardio. In order for your beautiful six pack to show, you must burn the fat off of your body, especially the fat around your abdominals. All too often I have had people complain to me that they are doing 100, 400, even 1000 crunches and sit ups everyday and they still aren't seeing any results.

    First, I always ask them how often they are doing cardio. Normally after a long blank confused stare, they say that he/she wants a six pack but isn't trying to lose weight. I normally ask how long they've been doing the daily crunch routine. 2 months, 6 months, a year whatever. I then tell them that chances are that they already have a six pack, but until you burn the fat with cardio, you won't see it. You might have the most beautiful, shapely, and sculpted body in the world, but without cardio, the toned muscle that you work so hard for will be burried under a layer of fat and cellulite.

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    3. Despite what I said earlier, abdominal exercises like crunches, sit ups, V-sits, etc are important. Ab exercises allow you to shape the abs that you want. Ab exercises will give you the sexy six pack that you so desire. Make sure you are working both your upper and lower abs as well as your obliques.

    Many people like to pile on ab exercises and perform hundreds of crunches, sit ups, etc everyday. This will become effective when combined with proper nutrition and cardio. As I said earlier, losing weight is extremely important if you want your abs to show
