Cute Canadian actor Justin chatwin

Justin Chatwin is a 26 years old Actor from Canada.
He was born in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada.
Justin Chatwin's birthday is 31 October, 1982 & His star sign is Scorpio.
His height is 5' 11" (1.80 m), He has a Brown - Light hair & Green Eyes.
Justin Chatwin's build is Average.
He has different cute looks with different hair style and light hairy chest and funky beard style.

His list of relationships includes the names: Molly Sims.

Here are the 5 most rated projects Justin Chatwin appeared in: "Smallville: Pilot (#1.1)" (2001), "Lost: Further Instructions (#3.3)" (2006), "Weeds: You Can't Miss the Bear (#1.1)" (2005), "Smallville: Unaired Pilot (#1.0)" (2001), The Chumscrubber (2005).
You voted these projects for His top 5: War of the Worlds (2005), Taking Lives (2004), The Invisible (2007), Josie and the Pussycats (2001), The Chumscrubber (2005).